Iconography Workshop in Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.
Unfortunately Philip Davydov has had to POSTPONE the Iconography Workshop which was scheduled for 15-19 June 2020. here in Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.
Philip Davydov and Olga Shalamova have conducted icon workshops in Australia for some years and are looking forward to when travel and lock-down restrictions are eased so they can resume their much appreciated ministry here.
They are the founders of Sacred Murals Studio in Saint Petersburg (Russia). To find out more go to: http://sacredmurals.com/iconography_courses_workshops.htm
Previously, Saint George’s Icon Group met weekly to practice this ancient method of Christian spirituality. Icon writing/painting is not so much style of art, but a way of meditating and praying. In the Eastern Orthodox Christian-tradition the Icon is a window into heaven – it is a point of encounter between the prayer and the Divine.
The Icon Group is currently in abeyance.